====== Releases ====== ===== Tagging Releases ======= ~~DISCUSSION~~ Releases will be created from [[development:software:branches:|release branches]] only. __Tag Name before 5.31_Maintenance:__ .. __Tag Name since 5.31_Maintenance:__ ..(_) For instance: ''5.32.2_RC3'', points to: * Third release candidate, * For release 2, * From branch 5.32. Note: Since Branch 5.31_Maintenance buildbot will search the last tag matching ..(_) and generate filename from this information. It is not needed to add "RCx" in buildbot input. ===== Release Strategy ===== We will use CI/CD concepts. With the continuous method of software integration and delivery, we will build, test, and deploy iterative code changes continuously. Each change submitted to an application, even to release/ and feature/ branches, is built and tested automatically and continuously. These tests ensure the changes pass all tests, guidelines, and code compliance standards we established for our application. (CI) Continuous Delivery is a step beyond Continuous Integration. Not only is our application built and tested each time a code change is pushed to the codebase, the application is also deployed continuously. But it requires human intervention to manually and strategically trigger the deployment of the changes. __Long term goal:__ We will delivery Maintenance/Update releases every 2 months. This type of release contains bugfixes and small new features and will increment software patch number (5.30.0 --> 5.30.1) Feature releases will be delivered every 6 month. This type of release will contain new main features (or support new devices) and increment software minor (5.30 --> 5.40) ===== Important Links ===== Important links connected with this topic: * [[https://gitlab.com/groups/ebee_smart/-/wikis/Release%20Overview|List of Releases]] * [[development:software:releases:howtotag|How to Create a new Tag]]