====== Create a Tag ====== ===== Description ===== This article describes what you need to do to, in order to create a new tag for ''controller_software''.\\ Mainly you'll need to do so, because one of the PO's requested a new tag.\\ After you created a new tag, the filename of a new build created by [[development:software:tools:buildbot|buildbot]] will also be affected. \\ ===== Commands ===== Following commands can be used to create a new tag: git tag -a -m "" git push --tags Substitute '''' to your desired ''tagname''.\\ '''' is the hashcode of the commit, where the tag should point to.\\ Provide a __meaningful__ ''commit_message''. ===== Example ===== This example was used to create a new tag for branch ''5.29_Maintenance''.\\ ~/meta/controller_software > git tag -a 5.29.3 990b7ea4ed2f9a5e4f63625248cee3ba89ca1e28 -m "Setting to 5.29.3 for new customers" ~/meta/controller_software > git push --tags **__Optional:__**\\ If your tag pointing to a commit, which hasn't been uprefed yet, then you need to add and commit the changes of controller_software in the meta_project as well. ~/meta > git commit controller_software -m "upref new tag 5.29.3" ~/meta > git push